Swimming pools offer a refreshing oasis for relaxation and enjoyment, especially during the scorching summer months. However, pool owners often face a common and frustrating problem – leaks. These leaks can be a result of various factors, but one often overlooked culprit is the phenomenon of expanding and contracting soil. The is most often the hidden culprit behind swimming pool leaks in Texas and other states. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of this phenomenon and how it contributes to the development of swimming pool leaks, and what you can do to help.

Understanding the Culprit Behind Swimming Pool Leaks

Expanding and contracting soil, also known as soil heaving and settling, is a natural geological occurrence that happens due to changes in moisture content within the soil. This phenomenon primarily affects clay soils, which are prevalent in many regions. Here’s a great article on the role soil plays in shiftin foundations. Here’s how it works:

  1. Moisture Influence: Clay soils are highly sensitive to moisture fluctuations. When the soil absorbs water, it swells or expands. Conversely, when the soil loses moisture, it contracts or shrinks.
  2. Seasonal Changes: Expanding and contracting soil is often exacerbated by seasonal changes in weather. In regions with distinct wet and dry seasons, clay soils can experience significant fluctuations in moisture levels.
  3. Pressure on Structures: The expansion and contraction of soil can exert considerable pressure on nearby structures, including swimming pools. This pressure can lead to structural damage and, ultimately, leaks in the pool.
Different types of texas soils are most likely the hidden culprit behind swimming pool leaks

The Role of Expanding and Contracting Soil in Pool Leaks

So, how does this culprit behind swimming pool leaks contribute to swimming pool leaks? Let’s break it down:

  1. Pressure on Pool Walls: As clay soil expands during wet periods, it exerts pressure against the walls of the swimming pool. This pressure can cause the pool walls to crack or shift slightly, creating openings for water to escape.
  2. Shifting Foundations: The continuous cycle of soil expansion and contraction can lead to the shifting of the pool’s foundation. This movement can disrupt the pool’s structural integrity, potentially causing leaks in the process.
  3. Damage to Pool Components: Expanding and contracting soil can also damage various pool components, such as pipes, liners, and skimmers. These components may crack or warp due to the stress caused by soil movement, resulting in leaks.

If you suspect a pool leak, perform a bucket test to make sure! Click here for instructions.

Preventing and Mitigating Expanding and Contracting Soil-Related Leaks

While it may be impossible to completely eliminate the effects of expanding and contracting soil, there are several preventive measures and mitigation strategies that pool owners can employ to minimize the risk of leaks:

  1. Proper Site Preparation: During pool installation, it is crucial to prepare the site properly. This includes ensuring that the soil is adequately compacted and stabilized to minimize future movement.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Consistent pool maintenance, including inspecting for cracks, shifting, or damaged components, can help identify issues early and prevent minor problems from becoming major leaks.
  3. Proper Drainage: Implementing effective drainage systems around the pool area can help manage excess moisture and reduce the impact of soil expansion.
  4. Consulting Professionals: If you suspect your pool is at risk due to expanding and contracting soil, it’s advisable to consult with a professional pool contractor or geotechnical engineer to assess the situation and recommend appropriate solutions.


Expanding and contracting soil is a natural geological phenomenon that can significantly impact the structural integrity of swimming pools, leading to leaks and costly repairs. Pool owners must be aware of the potential risks associated with this culprit behind swimming pool leaks and take proactive steps to prevent and mitigate them. By understanding the soil conditions on their property and implementing appropriate measures, pool owners can enjoy their aquatic retreats without the worry of leaks caused by soil-related issues.